
What is the meaning of volatilize the grease?

What is the meaning of volatilize the grease?
  1. What does self volatilize mean?
  2. What is meant by volatilization?
  3. Is Volatize a word?
  4. What is volatilization in chemistry?
  5. Does glyphosate volatilize?
  6. What causes volatilization?
  7. What is an example of volatilization?
  8. What is vapor science?
  9. What is denitrification simple?
  10. What is soil volatilization?
  11. What is the difference between evaporation and volatilization?
  12. How fast does urea volatilize?
  13. What are the units of volatilization?
  14. How can we reduce volatilization?

What does self volatilize mean?

volatilize in American English

1. to make volatile; cause to pass off as vapor. verb intransitive.

What is meant by volatilization?

Definition of volatilize

transitive verb. : to make volatile especially : to cause to pass off in vapor. intransitive verb. : to pass off in vapor.

Is Volatize a word?

verb (used without object), vol·a·til·ized, vol·a·til·iz·ing. to become volatile; pass off as vapor. verb (used with object), vol·a·til·ized, vol·a·til·iz·ing. to make volatile; cause to pass off as vapor.

What is volatilization in chemistry?

Volatilization is the conversion of a liquid chemical into a vapor, which escapes into the atmosphere.

Does glyphosate volatilize?

Although glyphosate does not have the propensity to volatilize like the growth regulator herbicides, the spray mixture can move off-target if not applied in accordance with the label.

What causes volatilization?

What causes ammonia volatilization? The process of ammonia volatilization commonly takes place when nitrogen is in an organic form known as urea. Urea may originate from animal manure, urea fertilizers and, to a lesser degree, the decay of plant materials.

What is an example of volatilization?

One type of gravimetric analysis is called volatilization gravimetry, which measures the change in mass after removing volatile compounds. An example of volatilization gravimetry would be using the change in mass after heating to calculate the amount or purity of a metal hydrate.

What is vapor science?

A vapor refers to a gas-phase material that that normally exists as a liquid or solid under a given set of conditions. ... A good synonym (alternate word) for vapor is gas. When a substance turns changes from a solid or liquid into a gas, the process is called vaporization. The material is said to vaporize or evaporate.

What is denitrification simple?

Definition of Denitrification:

(1) The loss of nitrogen from soil by biological or chemical means. It is a gaseous loss, unrelated to loss by physical processes such as through leachates. (2) The breakdown of nitrates by bacteria living in the soil, resulting in the release of free nitrogen.

What is soil volatilization?

Volatilization is the loss of N through the conversion of ammonium to ammonia gas, which is released to the atmosphere. ... Volatilization losses are higher for manures and urea fertilizers that are surface applied and not incorporated (by tillage or by rain) into the soil.

What is the difference between evaporation and volatilization?

As nouns the difference between evaporation and volatilization. is that evaporation is the process of a liquid converting to the gaseous state while volatilization is the conversion of a solid or liquid into a gas; vaporization; evaporation or sublimation.

How fast does urea volatilize?

Most volatilization from urea typically occurs during a two- to three-week period after application. Volatilization depends on the rate of urea hydrolysis (see Chemical Reactions; Equation 1), and the rate at which the ammonium is then converted to ammonia gas (Equation 2) that volatilizes if near the soil surface.

What are the units of volatilization?

The Henry's Law constant for ethanol is 5.0X10-6 atm-cu m/mole(1). This Henry's Law constant indicates that ethanol is expected to volatilize from water surfaces(2).

How can we reduce volatilization?

Ammonia volatilization can be minimized by applying NH4-forming fertilizers in dry and cool weather and by avoiding application on warm, humid, or windy days.

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