
Lyd Er MA lydforstærkere gode?
Er MA lydforstærkere gode?
Er massive subs noget godt? Premium medlem. Massive Audio er en god linje.. har ikke haft nogen problemer overhovedet.. når det er sagt, hvis du nøje ...
Lyd Hvor meget koster et bilstereosystem?
Hvor meget koster et bilstereosystem?
Er et bilstereosystem det værd? Ja, gearet bevarer ikke værdien særlig godt over tid, så du får et kæmpe hit, når det kommer til videresalg. Men det e...
Lyd Should you have an amp with these speakers JL Audio C2-525x or will your HU power them properly?
Should you have an amp with these speakers JL Audio C2-525x or will your HU power them properly?
Is JL Audio still good? The Quality As you may have guessed by now, JL Audio offers indisputably top quality products. They aren't the highest end spe...
Lyd Hvor meget tjener en bilstereoinstallatør?
Hvor meget tjener en bilstereoinstallatør?
Hvordan bliver jeg bilstereotekniker? For at blive certificeret skal du bestå en certificeringseksamen, såsom Mobile Electronics Certified Professiona...
Lyd What does WMA means on a car stereo?
What does WMA means on a car stereo?
Can WMA play in car stereo? A CDs ripped to WMA format with Windows Media Player should be able to play on most car audio systems. And with the bitrat...
Lyd Where else can you use a car audio system?
Where else can you use a car audio system?
Can I use car audio at home? So, can you use car speakers for home theater? Actually, you can use car speakers, but beware that they run on lower impe...
Lyd Is car DVD sound just heard through headphones?
Is car DVD sound just heard through headphones?
Can you only hear sound out of headphones? If you only hear audio from the left side of your headphones, make sure the audio source has stereo output ...
Lyd What does a car audio installer do?
What does a car audio installer do?
How much does a car audio installer make? Car Audio Installers in America make an average salary of $47,923 per year or $23 per hour. The top 10 perce...