Friktion - Side 2

Can wax paper slow down a toy car?
What force will slow a toy car down? We know that one force which causes objects to slow down or stop is friction. How could you increase the speed of...
What is the advantage of rolling wheels over sliding wheels in an emergency?
Why is rolling better than sliding? The force of friction depends on the area of contact between the two surfaces. ... As the area of contact is less ...
How does friction on tires effect the stopping distance of a car?
How does friction affect the stopping distance of a car? Figures based on experience showed, that an average road surface, which has been exposed to t...
Why is it more difficult to stop a rolling car than a rolling toy car?
What type of force does a toy car have? So in the case of a toy car, you're going to have friction/drag/outside force fron the axels, the tires agains...
What does friction cause in the engine?
How does friction affect an engine? This heat can wear the mechanical parts of an engine and lead to bad performance under the hood. Worn parts due to...
What is an example of friction on a vehicle?
What is friction on a car? Friction is a resisting force that resists the relative motion of two surfaces. Simply put, when driving, the engine genera...
What would happen to a toy car and washers on top of it and roll the car into a book do?
What caused the motion of the toy car? Toy cars use a variety of mechanisms to make them go, but they all store up potential energy. Although the elas...
Bremser friktion en bil farten?
Nedsætter friktion hastigheden? Bremser friktion altid tingene ned? SVAR Nej! Kinetisk friktion modsætter sig den relative bevægelse af to overflader....
Hvordan bevæger bilen sig hurtigere end en legetøjsbil?
Kan en legetøjsbil køre hurtigere end en rigtig bil? Legetøjsbiler hurtigere end rigtige biler. Myte Legetøjsbiler kan kun køre hurtigere end en rigti...
Hvordan oes friktion hjælper med at løsne en bil?
Hvordan kan friktion få en bil til at accelerere? Så jo mere friktion du har, jo hurtigere kan du gå, op til et punkt. Racerbiler er designet til at b...
Hvad sker der, hvis man sætter kassen på en vogn, der har hjul?
Når du skubber den tunge kasse hen over det glatte gulv, hvilken friktion påføres? Kinetisk friktion. Hvis to systemer er i kontakt og bevæger sig i f...
Påvirker friktion bilens bevægelse?
Har biler brug for friktion for at bevæge sig? Og hvis denne kraft fra jorden til bilen summeres med alle de andre kræfter til en nettokraft nul, så v...