
Sådan pranker du nogens bil?
Hvad kan jeg gøre ved nogens bil for at få hævn? Hæld blegemiddel gennem soltaget. Sæt sardiner på ventilationsåbningen uden på bilen, men sørg for, a...
Hvad er skik at smide penge til en ny bil?
Hvorfor smider folk mønter i en ny bil? Der er en praksis i New Jersey og New York at kaste et par mønter på gulvet i en nyindkøbt bil som et tegn på ...
Is it illegal to throw out fruit from your car?
Is throwing food out of a car littering? Yes. Throwing food out of the car window is littering. It is better to leave the food in the car and dispose ...
What is the only substance you can throw out of your car without getting a ticket?
Is pouring soda on a car illegal? Throwing Something at Cars is Illegal Under California law, it is illegal to throw any substance at a vehicle that i...