
What is a good type of car to buy?

What is a good type of car to buy?

The Hyundai Kona is the Best Subcompact SUV for the Money, and the Hyundai Tucson is the Best Compact SUV for the Money. The Hyundai Santa Fe is the Best 2-Row SUV for the Money. Honda earned three awards. The Honda Civic is the Best Compact Car for the Money, and the Honda Accord is the Best Midsize Car for the Money.

  1. Will car prices drop?
  2. How much should I spend on a car?

Will car prices drop?

A dip in used-car prices might arrive ahead of the market stabilizing in late 2022, says Automotive News, citing a forecast from consulting firm KPMG. Once that happens, used-vehicle prices could drop 20%-30% prior to supply and demand reaching a balance between October 2022 and 2023, the report says.

How much should I spend on a car?

How much you should spend on a car is all about your annual income and monthly budget. Financial experts say to not spend more than 35% of your annual income on the car itself and the costs that come with your purchase.

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