
Kan du trække 2 strømledninger til bilforstærkere fra batteriet hver til et andet område i bilen Undgå brugen af ​​en distributionsblok?
Kan jeg køre to ampere fra den samme strømledning? Det korte svar er, at du kan bruge et hvilket som helst antal eller kombination af effektforstærker...
Vil 40 ampere konvertere til volt?
Hvor mange volt er 40 ampere? 40-amp 240-volt kredsløb 40 ampere x 240 volt = 9.600 watt. Hvor mange ampere er der i en volt? En volt er en enhed af e...
How much volts can a car amp take?
How many volts should a car amplifier have? Usually the range is somewhere between 10.5-16.5 volts. A regulated power supply will put out the same pow...
How many amperes does a car put out while running?
How many volts should a car battery put out when running? When Fully Charged, How Many Volts Should A Car Battery Have? Fully charged automotive batte...
If 13.6 volts is how many amperge?
How do I convert volts to amps? The formula to convert volts to amps at a fixed wattage is amps = watts / volts. How many amps are there in 12 volts? ...
What is the equation for figuring out how many amps your car amp puts out?
How many amps does my car amplifier draw? A typical car amplifier can be found in the range of 10-30 Amps. You can check the amount of power you need ...
How do you connect two car amps?
Can you hook up two amps to one subwoofer? Can I connect two amps to one sub? ... A single voice coil sub won't work with the two amps and will result...
How many amps does a 12volt 1500 watt car amplifier draw?
How many amps does a 12V amplifier draw? A typical car amplifier can be found in the range of 10-30 Amps. You can check the amount of power you need b...
How much amperage do headlights draw?
How many amps do headlights use? A 60-watt halogen bulb draws 5 amps of power. These bulbs have an intensity of about 4,000 candela and deliver around...
Hvor mange ampere skal der til for at starte en SUV?
Vil 10 ampere starte en bil? Normalt 11.5 - 12 V er påkrævet for at starte en bil i ét forsøg. Under alle omstændigheder vil bilen ikke starte, hvis b...
How many amps can a 50 amp 120 plug hold at 13 volts dc?
How many amps does a 120 outlet put out? In the United States, a standard household outlet provides 120-volts from alternating current and 15-amps. Th...
How much current produced in a car?
How much electricity can a car produce? Even though most car batteries are only 6 or 12 volts, a 12-volt battery can produce as much as 600 amps. Ampe...