
Hvorfor springer en ballon, hvis den efterlades i en bil på en varm dag?
Hvorfor skulle en ballon springe i varmt vejr? Latex helium balloner springer i varme og sollys, fordi heliums molekyler bliver større, når de varmes ...
Bedste hjul til en ballondrevet bil?
Hvad får en ballondrevet bil til at køre hurtigere? Jo mere du puster ballonen op, jo mere potentiel energi gemmer den, som igen omdannes til mere kin...
Hvor blev den første ballon opfundet?
Hvor blev den første ballon lavet? De første gummiballoner blev lavet af professor Michael Faraday i 1824 til brug i hans eksperimenter med brint ved ...
Kan du give en konklusion for en ballondrevet bil?
Hvad er formålet med en ballondrevet bil? Jo mere du puster ballonen op, jo mere potentiel energi gemmer den, som igen omdannes til mere kinetisk ener...
What is the abstract of a rocket balloon car?
What is the science behind a balloon powered car? The science behind this experiment is all about energy. When the balloon is inflated it stores the c...
What is the conclusion of the Balloon Rocket Car?
What is the conclusion of balloon rocket? According to Newton's Third Law of Motion, every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Therefore, as th...
How do you make a balloon car that goes far?
How far can a balloon car travel? All cars should travel in a straight line. All cars will use only one 9-inch balloon to power it. Car should be capa...
Hvordan får du noget til at gå meget langt med kun en ballon og bil uden legetøjshjul?
Hvor langt kan en ballonbil rejse? Alle biler skal køre i lige linje. Alle biler vil kun bruge én 9-tommer ballon til at drive den. Bilen skal være i ...
What type of material would be best for a balloon car race?
What makes a balloon powered car go? When the balloon is inflated it stores the compressed air and stretched rubber as potential energy. When you let ...
What are the materials used for a balloon car?
What makes a good balloon car? Some of the things that slow balloon cars down, that you have to overcome, are their own weight, air resistance, fricti...
What is the best design for a balloon racing car?
What makes a good balloon car? Some of the things that slow balloon cars down, that you have to overcome, are their own weight, air resistance, fricti...