
How many people drive a car in north east?
What percentage of the UK population own a car? Over 77% of households in Great Britain have a car and because car-owning households tend to have more...
Which US city has the least cars per household?
What state has the least amount of cars? Conversely, New York, Alaska and Mississippi — which also ranked highly for the rate of uninsured motorists —...
Hvor mange biler ejer en gennemsnitlig familie?
Hvor mange biler ejer den typiske familie? Hvor mange biler bør en familie eje? Ifølge Experian ejer den gennemsnitlige familie to biler, mens 35 proc...
Hvor mange mennesker i USA er uden bil?
Hvor mange procent af amerikanerne har adgang til en bil? Nøgleindsigter + statistik 93 % af husstandene i USA.S. havde adgang til mindst én bil i 201...
Hvor mange husstande har en bil?
Hvor mange procent af amerikanske husstande har en bil? Satsen for bilejerskab i U.S. har været stigende i det meste af det sidste årti. Vi fandt, at ...
What is the Average number of cars bought per household?
How many cars does an average family own? How many cars should a family own? According to Experian, the average family owns two cars, while 35 percent...