
Tillader Singapore dig at ændre biler?
Er det ulovligt at ændre din bil? De fleste mennesker, der tilpasser deres biler, gør det af æstetiske årsager, men der er andre modifikationer, der e...
Can a dealership sell an unsafe vehicle in ca?
Can a dealership sell you a bad car? A dealership cannot knowingly sell an unsafe vehicle. ... Sometimes, a dealership may unknowingly sell a defectiv...
Is it illegal to discharge passengers from a moving vehicle?
How is the move over law followed? A Move Over law typically requires motorists to change lanes and/or slow down when approaching an authorized emerge...
In what state and city is it illegal to drive a black car on Sundays?
Can you drive a black Ferrari on Sunday in California? It is illegal to drive a black car on Sunday. Why is it illegal to drive a black car on Sunday ...
Does every state have a law that makes it illegal to operate a car or other motor vehicle for people who have a certain BAC or above?
Is the zero tolerance law in all states? What is Zero Tolerance? ... And while driving under the influence of alcohol (normally 0.08 percent or higher...
Er pa-systemer lovlige i Maryland?
Er det ulovligt at have et PA-system i din bil i Maryland? § 21-1122. Støjbegrænsninger ved brug af lydforstærkningssystemer. ... - Når et motorkøretø...
Er krombiler ulovlige i Colorado?
Hvilke bilmods er ulovlige i USA? Der er mange bilmods, der er ulovlige i Amerika. Super høje udstødninger, bro trucks, rullende kul, lowrider, underv...
Er det ulovligt at køre med fjernlys tændt?
Har fuld stråle på ulovligt? Selvom der ikke er nogen love direkte relateret til brug af fuldlys, kan du, hvis du har dem tændt på det forkerte tidspu...
Is it illegal to burnout in public places?
Can you get pulled over for doing a burnout? In CA it's an arrestable misdemeanor (Exhibition of Speed - Vehicle Code Section 23109c). Attitude and / ...
Is it illegal to drive a car without reverse in North Carolina?
What is a Chapter 20 Violation NC? (1) Fails to carry a valid license while driving a motor vehicle, in violation of G.S. 20-7(a) . ... (3) Fails to n...
Are there any illegal vehicle models imported into the US?
Can any car be imported into the US? The Clean Air Act prohibits importation into the United States of any motor vehicle, motor vehicle engine, non-ro...
Is it an illegal to sit in the boot of a moving vehicle?
Can you ride in back of pickup truck? In California, you can ride in the back of a truck if you do it according to our state's rules and regulations. ...