
Effekter af industrialisering?
Hvad var 3 effekter af industrialisering? Den industrielle revolution havde mange positive virkninger. Blandt disse var en stigning i velstand, produk...
Hvilken effekt havde den anden industrielle?
Hvad var årsagerne til og virkningerne af den anden industrielle revolution? Den anden industrielle revolution siges at være mellem 1870 og 1914, efte...
What did the internal-combustion engine gave rise to?
What led the way to new industrial frontiers? In the Second Industrial Revolution, steel, chemicals, electricity, and petroleum led the way to new ind...
What industries did the internal combustion engine give rise to?
What did internal combustion engine gave rise to? These inventions could power automobiles, locomotives, ships, and airplanes, and paved the way for m...