
Hvad betragtes som et ikke-jernholdigt materiale?
Hvad er eksemplerne på ikke-jernholdige mineraler? Mineraler, der ikke indeholder jern, kaldes ikke-jernholdige mineraler. Eksempler på ikke-jernholdi...
List ten metals and their uses?
What are uses of metals? Copper and aluminium metals are used in the making of electric wires, as they have very low electrical resistance and good el...
Er metal magnetisk?
Er hvert metal magnetisk? Ikke alle metaller er magnetiske. Faktisk afhænger det af, hvad du mener med ordet magnetisk. Der er fire grundlæggende type...
What types of metal can a electromagnet move?
What metals can an electromagnet pick up? In a simple example, an electromagnet can pick up pieces of iron, nickel, and cobalt. Electromagnets can be ...
How many metals are they in the world?
How much of each metal is on earth? The mass of the Earth is approximately 5.98×10 24 kg. In bulk, by mass, it is composed mostly of iron (32.1%), oxy...
Name the 5 things you use that contain metals?
What are metals 5 examples? Examples of metals are aluminium, copper, iron, tin, gold, lead, silver, titanium, uranium, and zinc. Well-known alloys in...