
Hvorfor vil din nitro RC bil ikke starte?
Hvordan ved jeg, om min nitromotor er dårlig? Hvis motoren ser ud til at miste bunden og har svært ved at køre i tomgang, så er det ved at være tid ti...
Har RC nitro biler bakgear?
Kan RC-biler bakke? I elektrisk RC-racing er det endnu en gang forbudt af sikkerhedsmæssige årsager. Elektrisk RC har faktisk (normalt) ikke bremser, ...
What would win electric RC car or nitro RC car?
Are electric RC cars faster than nitro RC cars? Brushless motors can also handle a lot higher voltage than brushed motors. With a high voltage supply,...
When do nitrorcx cars come in stock?
What is the fastest nitro RC car? TRAXXAS XO-1 This is the fastest RC car ever produced. The Traxxas XO-1 can reach a top speed of 100 mph in five sec...
Hvor hurtigt kan nb16 nitro radiostyret buggy køre?
Hvordan kan jeg lave min nitro hurtigere? Hvis du kører 20 % nitro i din motor, kan du nemt øge tophastigheden ved at øge nitroindholdet i dit brændst...
Where do you go to go gas for a RC car and how much is it?
What gas do you use for RC cars? RC glow engines use nitro fuel, a methanol-based fuel with nitromethane and oil added. The amount of nitromethane in ...
Can you change a RC buggy into a RC gas buggy?
Can I replace my RC controller? If you lost your remote control, or it has stopped working, then you don't have to buy a device-specific replacement. ...
Hvad kører en nitrogasbil på?
Bruger nitromotorer olie? Brændstoffer varierer typisk i nitroindhold fra 10 til 40 %. Til generel all-around brug er 20% nitro det mest populære og e...
Is it hard to pull the starter for a nitro RC with the glow plug in?
How long do glow plugs last Nitro RC? Mine usually last for about 20-30 tanks depending on how long I go in between tanks. The longer they sit between...
Why doesn't my nitro car work?
How do I know if my nitro motor is bad? If the engine seems to lose bottom end snap and has a hard time idling, then it's about time to rebuilt/replac...
Where can you get RC cars fuel?
What fuel do RC cars use? RC glow engines use nitro fuel, a methanol-based fuel with nitromethane and oil added. The amount of nitromethane in the fue...
Can you put regular gas in a remote control car?
What type of fuel do remote control cars use? Gas-powered remote-control cars provide realistic racing fun. They burn a gasoline-like fuel called nitr...