
Do car exhaust fumes harm an unborn child?
Can car fumes affect pregnancy? Car Exhaust Associated With Premature Births in Southern California. Women exposed to air pollution from freeways and ...
How do gas powered cars damage the ozone layer?
How are gas cars bad for the environment? Vehicle emissions from burning gasoline and diesel fuels contain toxic pollutants including carbon monoxide,...
Hvordan påvirker bilers emissioner ozonlaget?
Hvordan producerer biler ozon? Biludstødning og industrielle emissioner frigiver en familie af nitrogenoxidgasser (NOx) og flygtige organiske forbinde...
What does factory smoke and car exhaust do to the ozone layer?
Does car exhaust damage the ozone layer? The effects of car pollution are widespread, affecting air, soil and water quality. Nitrous oxide contributes...