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Hvad er de tre dele af en bil?
Hvor mange hoveddele er der i en bil? En enkelt bil har omkring 30.000 dele, tæller hver del ned til de mindste skruer, møtrikker og bolte. Nogle af d...
Nævn en bildele, der starter med bogstavet p?
Hvad er de 8 vigtigste dele af bilen? De vigtigste systemer i en bil er motoren, brændstofsystemet, udstødningssystemet, kølesystemet, smøresystemet, ...
Can you find out what pst you will get on your part 3 test?
What is the pass mark for ADI Part 3? The maximum marks available are 51. If you score 42 or above you will pass with an A, 31-42 you will pass with a...
Hvilken bildel der starter med k?
Hvor mange bildele er der? En enkelt bil har omkring 30.000 dele, tæller hver del ned til de mindste skruer, møtrikker og bolte. Nogle af disse dele e...
What is the main part of car a.c?
What are the three main parts of AC? Most air conditioners have three major parts the compressor, the condenser, and the evaporator. These parts work ...
What is the name of the parts on a car?
What are the 8 major parts of the automobile? The major systems of an automobile are the engine, fuel system, exhaust system, cooling system, lubricat...
Car part that starts with the letter Q?
What are the 8 major parts of the automobile? The major systems of an automobile are the engine, fuel system, exhaust system, cooling system, lubricat...
Hvad px velkommen betyder?
Hvad betyder PX? PX betyder Part Exchange.Hvad er PX-nummer? Pixels, forkortet som px, er også en måleenhed, der almindeligvis bruges i grafisk og web...
Name three parts of car which are liquid?
How many parts are in a car? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these parts...
Can you name some car pieces?
How many pieces have a car? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these parts ...
What are the parts of cars?
How many parts are in car? A single car has about 30,000 parts, counting every part down to the smallest screws, nuts and bolts. Some of these parts a...