
Hvad var teknologien til at masseproducere biler?
Hvordan teknologi bruges til at bygge biler? Den største ændring, der allerede er sket i bilindustrien som følge af teknologi, er autonomi. Producente...
Hvordan fremstilles biler?
Hvor lang tid tager det en fabrik at lave en bil? En gennemsnitlig bil har omkring 30.000 dele. Når først disse dele er fremstillet og bragt til den e...
Hvordan fungerer masseproduktion?
Hvad er masseproduktionsprocessen? Masseproduktion er en produktionsmetode, der bruger en standardiseret proces til at skabe udskiftelige dele i store...
What kind of car is considered a production car?
How many cars need to be made to be considered a production car? According to Guinness, to qualify as a production car one must build “at least 50 mec...
What is the fastest mass-produced car?
What is the fastest 2020 production car? On October 10, 2020, the SSC Tuatara managed to claim the title of the world's fastest production vehicle by ...
What was the world's fastest car in 1982?
What was the best car in 1982? The Ford Escort, which had replaced the ancient Pinto as Ford's small-car offering in 1981, emerges as the best-selling...