
Hvor langt væk var den anden bil?
Hvad er afstanden fra en bil til en anden? I årevis var en sikker følgeafstand bag køretøjet foran dig baseret på en billængde (20 fod) for hver 10 mp...
What are the rules of driving a car?
What are the rules which you follow while driving? A driver should always be safe and act responsibly by following all the traffic rules. If you notic...
What are the rules in driving?
What is the golden rule in driving? Explanation The golden rule of driving is to treat other drivers the way you want to be treated. Obey traffic laws...
When do you use the 3 second rule while driving?
When should you use the 3 second rule? The three-second rule is recommended for passenger vehicles during ideal road and weather conditions. Slow down...