
Hvad er ROP ved U-haul?
Hvorfor er U-Haul-raterne så høje? U-Haul-selskabet har lokationer i næsten alle byer i USA. I teorien skulle det gøre det nemmere for dem at sende og...
Can you rent a uhaul truck with unlimited miles?
How many miles can you drive a U-Haul? The 10-foot U-Haul gets 12 miles per gallon, with a 31-gallon tank (using unleaded fuel). The whole tank will p...
Varierer UHaul-priser fra by til by?
Varierer U-Haul priserne? Prisen, du betaler, varierer meget afhængigt af din placering og efterspørgslen efter lastbiler der. Generelt kan du dog for...
Where can you find a moving truck rental?
Is Budget cheaper than uhaul? On average, Budget's local prices are about $10 lower than U-Haul's. In fact, Budget's local prices are the absolute low...
Hvor meget benzin-kilometer får en uhaul-lastbil?
Hvilken kilometerstand får en 15 fods U-Haul lastbil? Tag for eksempel U-Hauls 15′ lastbil; 10 MPG-estimatet er angivet direkte på siden. Kombiner det...
Hvor mange dæk har en U-Haul?
Dækker U-Haul sprængte dæk? Grunde til at kontakte U-Haul Roadside Assistance Hvis du er en nuværende U-Haul-kunde med behov for vejhjælp, bedes du ko...
How do you haul rates very from state to state?
How do U-Haul charges work? Depending on how far you're moving, U-Haul will assign a maximum number of miles you can drive your truck and charge you f...
What are the rates to rent a U-Haul for a weekend?
How much is au haul per day? Single-day U-Haul rentals start as low as $19.95, though prices vary depending on the type of vehicle you need and the to...
What is the meaning of U Car and is it anything like U-Haul?
Why is it called U-Haul? With a 1937 Ford and $5,000 in savings, Sam, Anna Mary and their young son moved from Los Angeles to Portland, Ore. During th...