
Hvorfor går folk i stedet for at køre bil?
Hvorfor skal folk gå i stedet for at køre bil? Gåture kan reducere risikoen for mange sygdomme, herunder hjerteanfald, slagtilfælde og glaukom. Det hj...
Should people walk more and drive less?
Why should we walk more and drive less? Walking can reduce the risk of many diseases, including heart attack, stroke, and glaucoma. It helps manage we...
How many minutes would it take to walk one mile with backpack?
How long does it take to backpack 1 mile? While there are many variables involved, it takes the average person 30 minutes to hike a mile on gentle ter...
Hvor meget hurtigere er en bil end at gå?
Hvor hurtig er en bil sammenlignet med at gå? Biler køres ofte på de hurtigste veje mellem 15 og 20 gange så hurtigt som en hjertelig vandrer. Hvis fo...
Går bedre end at bruge biler og hvorfor?
Er det bedre at gå end at køre? At gå forbrænder kalorier, men en person forbrænder også kalorier under kørslen eller bare går rundt. Så det, der bety...
How does walking rather than riding in a car save resources?
What are the environmental impacts of walking? Environmental considerations Wandering off the paths will damage vegetation, cause erosion and increase...
Is walking a mode of transport?
Does walking count as transportation? For short trips of less than a mile, walking is totally dominant accounting for over 78% of all such travel. ......
Can cars walk?
Is there a walking car? This walking car concept from Hyundai puts them all to shame. Called the Elevate UMV (Ultimate Mobility Vehicle), the concept ...
Why is it better to walk than using cars?
Why is walking better than using cars? Walking instead of driving helps reduce the traffic and the noise levels as well as having positive effects on ...
How long it take to walk 13miles?
How long does walking 25 km take? If you can walk 6.25 kms per hour i.e roughly one km in 10 minutes, you can walk 25kms in 4hours. How long does it t...